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Sanctuary After 2018
Mission Board 2018 Fix
Pastor Appreciation 2018 FX
Praise 5
Family Fun Day 2017
Old Friends
Family Portrait 5
Birthday 2017
Young Fun
Smiling Senior Couple
Stained Glass Project


We are a group of people dedicated to Loving God,  Loving People, and Sharing Hope.


Glad Tidings Assembly of God wants to help you:

LOVE GOD through worship, praise, prayer, and a biblical obedient lifestyle.

LOVE PEOPLE with compassion as a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ

SHARE HOPE by telling others what Christ has done for you.


Rev. Samuel Smeal, Pastor

Audrey Thorn, Admin. Assistant

Karen Barger, Secretary

Wilbur Barger, Custodial Services

Bob Plubell, Board Secretary

Kim Auman, Church Treasurer

Greg Belinda, Deacon/Trustee

Roy Woods, Deacon/Trustee


Clearfield is a welcoming community located in north central Pennsylvania along Route 80 at Exit 120. The city serves as the county seat for Clearfield County, and home to the annual Clearfield County Fair.  Historically the area was located along  a major trade route and known for the herds of bison in the "clear fields" which brought about the name.


Church isn't just a place, it's a group of people. God created people with the need for relationship - relationship with Him and with other people. We are learning what it means to live in a right relationship with God and with others, and we invite you to come and join us as we journey through this life together.

Church Staff


Samuel Smeal

Audrey Thorn

Administrative Assistant

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Karen Barger


Stop Your Wining

Should Christians in the United States Drink Alcohol?

Official Board

Pastor Samuel Smeal
Board Chairman


Bob Plubell
Board Secretary


Kim Auman

Church Treasurer

Belinda, Greg.18.jpg

Greg Belinda



Roy Woods



of our

Lead Pastors

1. Rev. Wellman

1. Rev. Wellman

2. Rev. Bressette

2. Rev. Bressette

3. Rev. Rainbow

3. Rev. Rainbow

4. Rev. Sheridan

4. Rev. Sheridan

5. Rev. Snyder

5. Rev. Snyder

6. Rev. Lafferty

6. Rev. Lafferty

7. Rev. Bremigen

7. Rev. Bremigen

8. Rev. Bogdon

8. Rev. Bogdon

9. Rev. Snook

9. Rev. Snook

10. Rev. Hill

10. Rev. Hill

11. Rev. Cochrane

11. Rev. Cochrane

12. Rev. Hill

12. Rev. Hill

13. Rev. Rittle

13. Rev. Rittle

14. Rev. Searles

14. Rev. Searles

15. Rev. Claflin

15. Rev. Claflin

16. Rev. Hill

16. Rev. Hill

17. Rev. DeSantis

17. Rev. DeSantis

And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.                  - Ephesians 4:11-13


Thank you for visiting our website. As you continue to click through it, we trust it will provide you with the information and encouragement you need. Of course if you need something more specific, please use the contact information provided.
You may wonder why our name is "Glad Tidings." We believe a church should be all about telling people the GOOD NEWS of what Jesus Christ has done for all of us!  True Christianity teaches us how we can be forgiven of our past sins and failures, and now live with joy and peace in spite of our current circumstances. Here in Clearfield, PA we are learning to LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE and SHARE HOPE.



Glad Tidings Assembly of God

6449 Clearfield Woodland Hwy.

PO Box 704
Clearfield, PA 16830

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